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Is It Really Drawing Blind Teeth?

askiyabloger.blogspot.com_The terrible myths about the dangers of removing the upper molars that are still widely believed to be the cause of blindness, is this something that is true? How is his medical explanation of the effect of this tooth extraction?
According to Professor Bambang Irawan, indiscriminate tooth extraction can indeed be harmful, but not to cause blindness. Dental tooth holes that may occur is the onset of infection that causes swelling.
In fact, the nerves of the teeth and the nerves of the eye are different so there is no connection between the upper teeth with eye damage. Keep in mind, neither the nerves of the teeth nor the nerves of the eye come from the brain nerve called the trigeminal nerve.
But basically there is no direct relationship between the nerves of the teeth and the nerves of the eye, so it is not true that removing the upper molars may cause eye problems such as blindness. When the fifth tooth nerve, the second eye nerve.
If it can affect the nerves, the affected nerves are around the mouth where the complications are pain in the lips, tongue, teeth and jaw, especially on the removal of wisdom teeth. These complications are generally temporary but can become permanent as well.
Removing teeth is the last thing to do because the teeth can no longer be maintained. If there is tooth decay that is not so severe, usually the doctor will maintain the teeth so as not to be revoked.
If the teeth in question should be revoked then you should make sure the first tooth is not sick. Tooth extraction is not allowed when the tooth is sick because it can trigger the infection.
The spread of infection is what to watch out for, because if the removal is done on maxillary teeth then the infection may spread and cause swelling to the eye area. Should wait until the tooth does not hurt anymore if you want to pull it out.
Therefore, consult a dentist first. The dentist will determine the appropriate treatment according to your health condition.
The Grounding Reason for Dental Removal

• Gum disease

Infection of the tissues and bone support around the teeth can cause the teeth to be removed. In addition, swollen gums can become difficult to clean so that bacteria can develop and cause interferences between teeth.

• Possibility of infection.

Pulp is the root of a tooth that contains blood vessels and nerves. If there is a hole or damage to the tooth, bacteria can enter the pulp and cause infection. Some cases can be treated with root canal therapy (RCT).
However, in some cases, when RCT and antibiotic use are not helpful, then removal is necessary so that the infection does not spread. In addition, retraction is also necessary if your immune system is weak so that infections may occur, such as when undergoing chemotherapy or organ transplantation.

• The appearance of molar teeth

Molar rear teeth are generally newly grown in their 20s, when there are about 28 adult teeth in the mouth. In this situation, it is very likely that there is no place for the molars to grow properly or only partially appear.
Possible possibility is forced contact of molars with other teeth, thus inducing and causing pain or disturbance to other teeth. Partially implanted teeth (impacted tooth) can be difficult to clean from trapped bacteria around them and potentially develop into infectious plaque.
Some types of disorders that may be experienced include abscesses, gingivitis, and dental caries. Therefore, some teeth sometimes need to be revoked.
Labels: Dental Health, dental tooth decay

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