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Can Masturbation Trigger High Blood Pressure?

askiyabloger.blogspot.com_Many people who deliberately masturbate in order to get solo sexual satisfaction without the need to bother others. Although seen as unethical, health experts say that masturbation can provide health benefits. Unfortunately, it's good we do not do it often because some experts call this habit can trigger the problem of high blood pressure.

Reporting from the Times of India, health experts call masturbation is not a trigger high blood pressure. Unfortunately, when we experience ejaculation or orgasm, the body also has increased blood pressure. This means, those who suffer from hypertension problems are prone to problems of high blood pressure that can trigger other adverse effects.

If the hypertensive patient difficulty to control his blood pressure and diligent to masturbate, then instead of sperm when ejaculation, just the blood that will come out. Not only that, this condition can also trigger a heart attack or even a stroke.

So, does this mean people with high blood pressure should not engage in solo sexual activity? Health experts say that as long as they can control their blood pressure by applying a healthy lifestyle or regularly take blood pressure-lowering drugs, the risk of getting problems because of masturbation can be suppressed.

What if when masturbating blood come out together with sperm? Health experts say that this is normal. This is due to the increase in some hormones when adrenaline increases, causing an increase in blood pressure. It's just that, if blood continues to come out every time ejaculation, there could be health problems that should certainly be examined to the doctor.
Labels: high blood pressure, hypertension, masturbation, sex

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