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HERE'S what will happen if you soak your feet in salt water for 30 minutes!

HERE'S what will happen if you soak your feet in salt water for 30 minutes!

Human life is filled with poison. Every day without us realizing it, our bodies are contaminated by poisons / toxins that come from: chemicals, cigarettes, instant food & beverages processed products, drugs, and air pollution.

Years of accumulation of toxins will inhibit the smooth circulation of blood and stimulate all organs of the body to work harder until the body's imbalance occurs, causing serious diseases such as: diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, liver disorders, strokes and others.


In the body, energy flow (chi) flows through 12 meridian pathways, 6 of which flow through the main organs in the body and the other 6 in both arms. What's interesting is that the six meridians through the main organs of the body also flow through the legs. There are 360 ​​nerves, of which 60 are located on the soles of the feet and through the soles of the feet this meridian flows throughout the body.

Removing Poison with Salt Water

A natural and simple way to remove toxins from the body is to use warm salt water. A method that is quite easy and can be practiced at home is the simplest method commonly used in Chinese medicine methods.

Salt water is ionic and detoxifies the body by removing toxins from the feet. Warm salt water will produce positive and negative ions in the water. Ion detox is ionizing warm salt water with alternating polarity.

We recommend that you soak your feet in rilex conditions or at night. Provide enough hot water to soak the palm to the ankles, dissolve the pure salt until it feels salty enough. Soak the feet when the water starts to warm, leave for about 30 minutes until the water gradually cools down and see the change in water color. In the body that has a high toxicity content, the color of the water will be clearly seen to become a cloudy brownish discoloration.

Good luck. Love your body, start living a healthy life, maintain family health. Please share with relatives and friends?

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