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10 Causes of Left Headache and Effective System to Overcome It.

10 Causes of Left Headache and Effective System to Overcome It.

Left headache is a common health problem that is often experienced by many people. This situation can be caused by many things, ranging from daily habits to symptoms of certain medical conditions. Knowing the different types of left headaches can help you and your doctor to ensure the right treatment and reduce the risk of serious complications in the future. For more details, see the explanation below.

Various things can be the cause of left headache
The causes of various types of left headache, ranging from lifestyle elements such as often times to delay eating to the application of certain drugs that are not suitable with the order. Here are a few things that can cause left headaches:

1. Lifestyle elements
stress results in psoriasis

Without realizing it, your daily habits can cause headaches to appear only on the left. Some daily habits that can trigger headaches to the left include:

Drink excessively

Intoxicating drinks such as beer, wine, and other alcoholic drinks contain ethanol. Ethanol is a chemical compound that triggers the widening of blood vessels in the head, so that it can cause left headaches.

Irregular eating

Your brain needs sugar (glucose) from food so that it can function optimally. That is why, when you often skip meals, blood sugar will drop dramatically. As a result, your brain cannot function optimally. One of the symptoms that appears is a left headache.

Lack of sleep

Sleep deprivation increases the stress hormone cortisol which can trigger headaches. That's why tension headaches often appear and worsen after you stay up late. In addition, people who have sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea have more potential to experience induced sleep headaches.

Daily food

Some foods can be a cause of left headache. The most common are preservative or artificial sweetened foods, caffeine, processed meats, and salty foods.


Every time, you can just experience stress, it could be because of the profession, financial problems, problems with your spouse or family, or it could be just because of congestion on unexpected roads.

Stress causes your body to come up with a "fight or flight" response. The response makes the muscles tighten and reduce blood circulation, both of which can cause left headaches.

2. Infection or allergies
cold medicine

Common infections such as colds and flu or sinuses can cause left headaches. An allergic response can also cause some people to experience the next headache. This happens because the sinus tract narrows when you have an infection or allergy, which makes the head hurt.

In addition, more serious infections that are encephalitis and meningitis also cause severe headaches accompanied by high fever, neck stiffness, and seizures.

3. Too often taking painkillers
taking osteoporosis bisphosphonate medication

Although the initial goal is to treat headaches, painkillers such as (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, and paracetamol) that you can drink can actually make the symptoms of headaches worse. Especially if you consume painkillers in excessive doses and consumed more than 2-3 days per week. In fact, your headache will last longer than before.

Situations can occur almost every day, and pain usually starts when you wake up in the morning.
4. Neurological disorders
Check out the following signs that signal if there is nerve damage:

In many cases, the left headache can also be caused due to nerve problems. Here are some nerve problems that can cause headaches:

Occipital neuralgia

The occipital nerve is above the spinal cord and extends to the neck to the base of your skull. If the nerve experiences too long an irritation, then you will experience intense pain, precisely in the component behind your head or base of your skull. The pain lasts from a few seconds to a few minutes.

Giant cell arteritis

This situation occurs when there is inflammation and damage to the arteries that carry blood flow to the brain. Giant cell arteritis is often referred to as temporal arteritis or Horton disease.

The typical symptoms of this disease are headaches accompanied by pain in the jaw, shoulders and hips. Normally arteritis cell activity is experienced by someone aged 50 years and over, but not infrequently younger can also experience it.

Trigeminal neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia or facial pain is a situation that causes pain in the trigeminal nerve. These nerves are the main nerves on the face which are in the temple components.

Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic disease. If it is not treated immediately it can cause pain that is quite severe and weakens all the body of the sufferer. Symptoms can last for several days, weeks, or months and can disappear in a span of several months or years

5. Other causes
papilledema is a nerve swelling of the eye

Left headaches also occur:

Pressure that is too strong on the head. Applying a helmet or head protector that is too tight and strong can put pressure on one or both sides of the head. Even this is what allows the pain in the left head component to appear.
Injury. Accidental or falling headaches can cause traumatic brain injury. In fact, this situation can also cause you to experience a concussion. Although concussions cause symptoms such as intense headaches, confusion, nausea and vomiting.
Glaucoma. Increased pressure in the eyeball can produce symptoms of left-sided headache that are unusually painful. Even so, headaches can sometimes also occur on both sides.
High blood pressure. Although, high blood pressure aka hypertension does not cause symptoms. Typically for some people, intense headaches can be a sign if they have severe hypertension. Severe hypertension usually comes on suddenly and affects about 1 percent of people who have hypertension.
Brain tumors: One of the initial symptoms of a brain tumor is a sudden, sudden headache. Although it will be accompanied by other symptoms such as blurred vision, speech problems, confusion, and difficulty walking.
Stroke. Blood clots can inhibit blood circulation to the brain and cause strokes. Bleeding that occurs in the brain can also cause strokes. Well, sudden and intense headaches are a sign of warning of a stroke.
Symptoms of your left headache are dangerous and must be immediately consulted by a doctor
Even though headaches are a common health problem, this situation should not be underestimated. Because the headache can be a sign of a more serious medical situation.

Therefore, it is important for you to look at any symptoms that mimic the appearance of headaches. A headache accompanied by the following signs appears, immediately seek medical help.

1. If suddenly and feels really painful
sudden headache

Based on all of a sudden you experience a sudden left headache accompanied by severe and unstoppable pain, immediately seek medical help at the nearest hospital or health clinic. Especially if this situation has never been experienced before.

It's difficult for a neurologist from Hartford HealthCare Headache Center in the US, Dr. Brian Grosberg, this situation usually feels like your head has been hit hard and the pain level can only get worse in a matter of minutes.

2. If the talk is accompanied by numbness
a variety of dangerous headaches

You appear to have a severe headache followed by a disorder such as talking slurred, difficulty composing sentences, confusion, difficult effort, and difficulty understanding other people's words, you may experience a stroke.

Especially if symptoms arise it is difficult to move the body members and a feeling of tingling or numbness appears. We recommend that you immediately visit an emergency health care center because aneurysms can cause strokes or death.
with cold compresses. You can apply some ice cubes wrapped in a handkerchief. This cold effect will shrink the blood vessels. blood vessels shrink, the pressure on the sensitive nerves contained in the head will decrease.

8. essential oil
relieve stress

Essential oils are believed to help treat certain situations, such as headaches or migraines. Different oils offer different benefits. Essential oils also provide benefits without a long list of side effects that can accompany prescription medications for headaches and migraines.
Labels: 5 Causes of Left Headache and Effective System to Overcome It.

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