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Can Scorpion Poison Cancer Drugs?

Speech of President Joko Widodo who said that the poison kalakengking have a price that is expensive, which is about Rp 145 billion per liter makes a lot of people curious. Apparently, scorpion poison can indeed be beneficial to the medical world so appreciated that expensive.

Although known to be very dangerous, scorpion poison turned out to have a special protein chain bernam chlorotoxin. The site calls this protein capable of stopping and shutting down cells. This special ability developed by scientists to kill cancer cells.

Meanwhile, Dr. Jim Olson of Seattle Children's Hospital and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Seattle, United States, called the protein in scorpion venom can cripple cancer cells that attack the brain. The content in scorpion poison mentioned could be a solution to penetrate the membranes that exist around the blood vessels of the brain safely.

What is remarkable is that this protein not only binds and paralyzes cancer cells, but also makes the cancer cells glow so as to enable the surgeon to lift them thoroughly.

Of the approximately 2,000 types of scorpions in the world, only 30s have toxins strong enough to kill humans. However, very dangerous scorpions such as Chinese golden scorpion, blue scorpion, Israeli scorpion, and deathstalker scorpion precisely the object of medical research. Especially for the blue scorpion, the most vicious scorpion is considered the most potential to be used as medicine.

Medical figures who found the fact that scorpion poison can be used as a cancer drug is Demetrio Rodriguez Fajardo. This Mexican man even found this amazing fact when he was 17 years old. Now, at just 21 years old, Demetrio is still a doctoral student at Universidad de Guadalajara and his findings have even gained recognition from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to serve as a breast cancer drug.

Now, more and more researchers are developing scorpion venom to be used as a cure for other diseases such as heart failure and other types of deadly cancers.

Seeing how great the benefits of scorpion poison, can I understand why the price can be very expensive?
Labels: obat kanker, racun kalajengking

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