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10 Indonesia Travel Destinations must be visited

Holiday season is already over, but there's no harm in choosing the next holiday spot dong? Do not need a vacation to the Overseas first lah, mending select tourist destinations in Indonesia just for the holidays. And ... just calm down, do not need to be confused about where to go, because Travel Blog Reservations try to make milihin 10 best tourist destinations in Indonesia for you ya!

One of the top 10 destinations in Indonesia is Wayang Islands in Raja Ampat. Yes, this island is one of the famous Indonesian iconic destinations. Surely, everyone who comes to Raja Ampat, would want to explore the name of this Wayag archipelago! Well, besides Wayag Islands, about 9 other destinations what ya?

For Your Next Vacation Plan, Here's 10 Best Indonesia Travel Destinations Travel Blog Reservations Version. Read to finish for your holiday inspiration ya ^^

1. Borobudur with Beautiful Sunrisen Scenery

Borobudur With Its Beautiful Sunrisen Scenery (source)
Borobudur is a Buddhist temple located in Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. Location of the temple is approximately 100 km to the southwest of Semarang, 86 km west of Surakarta, and 40 km to the northwest of Yogyakarta.

This stupa-shaped temple was founded by Mahayana Buddhists around the year 800 AD during the reign of Shyilendra. Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple or temple in the world, as well as one of the largest Buddhist monuments in the world.

Aside from being the largest Buddhist temple in the world, this temple is also one of the 10 Best Indonesia Travel Destinations Travel Blog Reservations Version. When the morning, enjoy the gorgeous sunrise at Borobudur Temple is an experience that will not be forgotten for anyone.

2. Jomblang Cave, With His Heaven Light That Will Drape You

the caves-with-light-his-will-drunken paradise

This Jomblang Cave is one of the vertical caves in Gunungkidul Regency with ancient forests that meet at its base. Nearby there is also a hallway along the 300 meters decorated with natural ornaments typical of the cave in the beautiful earth. This alley will take you to the nearby Grubug Cave, a place where you can see what is called the heavenly light.

3. Mount Ijen with its Magic Firenya!

Escaped at gaseous state from the Ijen Crater crater on Java Island in Indonesia sulfur combusts on contact with air, liquefies and run in rivers of blue flames. Indonésie
Mount Ijen with a magical blue fire! (source)
Mount Ijen is an active volcano located on the border between Banyuwangi and Bondowoso districts, East Java, Indonesia. This mountain has a height of 2,443 m and has several times erupted. The last eruption occurred in 1999.

One of the most famous natural phenomena and many interesting wisatawn to Mount Ijen is the crater located at its peak, also a phenomenon known as Blue Fire Ijen. To climb to this mountain can depart from Banyuwangi or from Bondowoso.

4. The Exotic and Astonishing Wayag Islands!

exotic-and-exotic islands
Wayag Islands are Exotic and Amazing! (source)
Of all the islands in Raja Ampat the most famous and iconic in Raja Ampat is the Wayag Islands. Yes, a collection of hills and karst mountains in the middle of this sea is the icon of Raja Ampat, and make it more famous. Because of its beauty and its existence only in Raja Ampat is not wrong if Wayag become the main destination of tourists and travelers when going to visit Raja Ampat.5. Kakaban Island with Ubur - Not Stinging Jelly
Kakaban Island With Ubur - Unsafe Jelly (source)
Kakaban Island has an area of ​​774.2 hectares and is located in Derawan Islands, Derawan District, Berau District, East Kalimantan. Kakaban Island attracts the attention of the traveler because of some uniqueness. One of them is the existence of the lake on the island of Lake Kakaban.

Kakaban Lake is unique, because the lake is filled by a mixture of rainwater and seepage of sea water from the pores of the soil that make it into brackish water. It's also what makes the jellyfish isolated in this lake and loses its stinging ability. Therefore, the traveler can swim along with Ubur - Ubur that no longer sting in Kakaban Lake. But do not touch ya Ubur - Uburnya if longer swimming here. Pity! Seen aja allowed đŸ˜€

6. Traditional Village Waerebo in Flores One of Indonesia's Cultural Heritage

Waerebo Traditional Village in Flores (source)
Its location is invisible from the hustle with the tropical rain forest and green valley that warmly embrace this village. It is Wae Rebo, a hamlet that is the only place to retain the rest of Manggarai cultural architecture that increasingly threatened to be abandoned by its followers.

Why the house in Waerebo is cone-shaped and from where its origin is still a big question mark, except for a piece of information from the tradition of telling its own society which is the 18th generation. Wae Rebo is in Manggarai District, precisely in West Satarmese Subdistrict, Satar Lenda Village. Here, one village with another village is far apart a gaping valley between the hazy hills at the tip of the tree.

7. Kenawa Island in Sumbawa that will Membiusmu

island-kanawa-in-sumbawa-who-be-drugged you
Kenawa Island In Sumbawa Which Will Membiusmu (sumber)
Kenawa Island is one of the islands in West Sumbawa Regency. Kanawa island in Sumbawa can be accessed from the existing Kenawa Pier near Pototano Harbor which is also located in Sumbawa. From Kenawa Pier you only rent a boat to get to Kenawa Island. The long journey from Kenawa Pier to Kenawa Island is about 30-45 minutes.

8. Pink Beach in Flores is Beautiful and Unique

Pink Beach In Flores Beautiful And Unique (source)
Pink Beach or Pink Beach in Flroes is another attraction of Komodo National Park that has been crowned to be one of the nominations of seven natural wonders in the world. Named Pink Beach or Pink Flrores Beach because it is pink beach sand (pink). Local people prefer to call it Red Beach, while foreign tourists prefer to call Pink Beach. The soft pink color seemed more obvious especially when the sand was washed away by the waves.

9. Kolbano Beach in NTT, With Its Strange Stone

beach-kolbano-in-ntt-with-its-strange rocks

Timor Island in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is indeed has several destinations that are so beautiful. Almost on every corner of this island there are interesting spots to visit. One of the many attractions is Kolbano Beach. The beach is located in Kolbano Village, Kolbano District, South Central Timor District.

To reach Kolbano Beach is quite tiring. It took 3 hours visited this beach location when departing from the city of Kupang, the capital of NTT Province. But do not worry the fatigue will be paid if you have arrived at Kolbano Beach. Because of the uniqueness of the beach, Kolbano Beach is worthy of being included in one of 10 Best Travel Destination Indonesia Travel Blog Reservations.

10. The elegant Cape Bira in South Sulawesi, with its Super White Sand Sand

Tanjung Bira is one of the favorite destinations to fill the holiday weekend. Tanjung Bira, one of 10 Best Travel Destinations Indonesia Travel Blog version This reservation does have a lot of its own beauty. Surely, all its beauty can provide an exciting and unforgettable weekend getaway.

Bira Beach or better known as Tanjung Bira is one of the popular tourist destinations in South Sulawesi Province. Come only during the day, the gradations of sea color that looks blue to green with blue sky, as if spoiling our eyes. Anyone would love to spend his vacation here!
Labels: Indonesia, WISATA TERBAIK

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