beauty of Indonesia and culinary


5 Special grilled meatball recipes that are liked by many people

askiya bloger-Special grilled meatballs recipes that are liked by many people we will discuss and how to make grilled meatballs that many like to be able to sell and to stop the stomach, we just practice, hehehe

Bumbu Barbequ Bakso and honey.

Material :
40 grains of super quality beef meatballs ready to use
7 cloves of garlic (chopped)
2 small chopped onions
2 small sachets of madurasa lime flavor
1 small sachet saori oyster sauce
5 small sachets of tomato sauce
5 tablespoons of saffron sauce
3 tbsp delmonte barbecue sauce
1 tablespoon of sesame oil
1 tablespoon of English soy sauce
1 tsp black pepper powder
As much as margarine

1. Wash the meatballs then the crusts. Drain well.
2. Saute onions and garlic with margarine until fragrant and cooked. Turn off the heat.
3. Add oyster sauce, tomato sauce, saffron sauce, barbecue sauce, sesame oil, English soy sauce, and black pepper powder. Mix well and turn on a small fire.
4. Add the meatballs and mix well until the spices cover the whole meatball. Turn off the heat. Add honey and mix well again.
5. Skewer the meatballs with a skewer. Burn meatballs to the desired maturity.
6. Meatballs can be burned in Teflon, embers, or ovens. If you want to burn in the oven, spread the pan with margarine. Preheat the oven for 10 minutes at 180 dercel. Burn for 30 minutes or according to your taste.
7. Serve grilled meatballs with the remaining ingredients.
"Grilled meatball"
30btr Beef Meatballs
1sd Brown Sugar
2sdm Sweet Soy Sauce
1sm Salted Soy Sauce
3sdm Sambal Sauce
1 / tsp Chicken Broth
50ml of water
Ground spices:
8 Raw seeds
4butput Bawput
3but Bawmer
- Stir-fry Smooth Spices and Red Sugar until Fragrant, Enter Water Stir until Flat, Add KeCap, Chicken Sauce and Broth Mix Evenly, Taste Test. Add Meatballs Stir until Water Shrinks and Seasoning Absorbs
- Meatball Skewers Until After the Mug, Then Burned until Rolled 2 While Washing the Remaining Seasonings
- Lift and Serve, Happy Trying Hopefully Useful "

BAKSO BAKAR Sauce Seasoning

Material :
125 grams of meatballs (9 items), stick with a fork
3 pieces of skewers

Peremdam seasoning (mix evenly):
1 clove Garlic, grated
2 tbsp Spicy xtra chili sauce
2 tablespoons tomato sauce
1 tbsp Honey
1 tsp sweet soy sauce
1 tsp boncabe powder level 30
1/4 tsp Pepper powder
A pinch of salt
How to:
1. Add the meatballs to the marinade, let stand an hour
2. Skew the meatballs into a skewer, bake with the Teflon spread with margarine while occasionally rubbing the marinade seasoning with salted marinade spices and the bataks cooked there.



Material :
40 chicken / beef / fish meatballs
10 skewers

3 white bun cloves
1 bro, bomb
7 pcs of cayenne pepper
1 tsp nutmeg powder
1 tsp pepper powder
5-6 tablespoons sweet soy sauce
As much as salt
How to:
Fry the meatballs until browned. Drain well.

Saute the white and the chopped until fragrant. Enter the cayenne pepper slices. Give sweet soy sauce. Give nutmeg, pepper and salt. If it is too thick, add a little water.

Enter the meatballs. Cook until the spices soak.
Wait for the meatballs not to heat, then just stick them into the skewers.

Bake on Teflon while rubbing the remaining spices.


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